Each one of you has his own particular duty - or her duty. Polished brass, brilliant silver, mahogany shining like a mirror. That is the welcome we will show these foreign visitors - and let them know that they're in England where order and tradition still prevail. It’s The Remains of the Day, and This Film is Lit.
Our next movie is Ender's Game!
A thrilling family romp with dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, and problematic love stories. It’s *Night at the Museum*, and **This Film is Lit.** - Let...
Now I have a machine gun ho-ho-ho... It’s *Die Hard*, and **This Film is Lit**. - Let Me Sum Up - Guess Who? -...
Built to fight, born to love. It’s Ferdinand, and This Film is Lit. Let Me Sum Up Was That in the Book? Better in...